(Caps at +4 Damage)# If player takes damage, Map:Rerolls an item into a special item.#Negates reroll for special of Radiance:Creates a Godhead style sphere around player,#charges Head:For each use,# +0.2x Damage# -0.1x Movement Speed# -2 Tears#Can be used 5 times in a room.

(0.5 tears, 2.0 Diary:Spawns 4 burning pages that deal#contact damage and burn Pudding:+5 Luck#Permanent Speed#+0.5 Damage#+1 Tears#-2 Health#Next pedestal has 2 33% chances to#morph into Apple Juice:#+4 Damage#+Clumsy Therapy:Winged Larvae spawns every time#a tear hits an Scarf:+3 Tears#If past womb,# +3 you to control path of tears.#+20 Jar:Fires Hush lazers for 12 seconds.#Persists between Chalice:+1 Damage for each room clear. Disappears#when it reaches 0 Dice:Removes one random item from Isaac#and adds another random of Cans:Spawns 4 piece cans and strings.#Each piece takes one tear per Arrest:Causes Isaac's tears to fire#in a heartbeat rhythm. Damage#+10 Range#x0.25 Movement Wings:Upon taking damage# +2.5 Damage# +Flight# +0.25 Movement of Babylon:+1.5 x Current Stage Damage (Capped at +16.5)#Once per room, upon taking#damage refills all boss#health and duplicates Balloon:20% Chance to fire fast ring of 8 tears.#20% chance to spawn pool of creep.#35%chance to fire medium speed ring of 16 tears.#25% chance to fire medium speed ring of 4 Approval:Fills all hearts with Gold Hearts.#+1 Tears for every Gold Blessing:Negates fatal damage, depleting#charge equal to hearts lost#for damage.